Julius Meinl

Our Sustainability Policy

At Julius Meinl, we adhere to the principles of our corporate Code of Conduct, firmly adopting the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the fields of Human Rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-Corruption and applying them to our business practices and operations. 


Furthermore, our Sustainability policy guides us in all our efforts to:

  • Embed sustainability into our product expertise, service orientation and the devotion to traditional Viennese coffee house culture, we provide our customers with
  • It helps us to continue to develop our expertise and services in the field of economic, social, and environmental sustainability to open new markets and commercial opportunities. 


Integrity, honesty, correctness, and respect from the basis of conduct of all those that work at Julius Meinl. Everyone at Julius Meinl understands this and complies with this policy. 


As of 2021 we extend our corporate Code of Ethical Conduct also to our suppliers, intending to start a constructive dialogue on our mutual pathway into a post-pandemic, sustainable future for all. 




Julius Meinl Supplier Code of Conduct