Julius Meinl

Julius Meinl Generations Programme

Contributing to a more sustainable future for coffee farming communities 

As a cornerstone of our Sustainability Strategy, the Generations Programme provides tailored support to coffee farmers, helping them establish thriving, sustainable coffee businesses for future generations. The projects within our Generations Programme focus on securing farmers’ income stability by improving coffee production efficiency and profitability, while also supporting income diversification and promoting good agricultural practices.


VP Group Strategies & Corporate Communication and 5th generation family member

Christina Meinl

“With a history of more than 160 years, Julius Meinl is a family-business built on generations of expertise and passion for coffee. Through the Generations Programme, we are committed to preserving and passing down the knowledge and traditions of coffee farming, securing a sustainable future for the families and communities that make our coffee exceptional.”

Our impact in Colombia

In 2018, we partnered with the Louis Dreyfus Company (LDC) to launch the first project of the Generations Programme in Colombia, originally named the "Colombian Heritage Project." The focus was on agronomist training and providing coffee dryers to help farmers improve yields and income, making coffee farming more appealing to younger generations. 

In 2023, the project entered its second phase, expanding to more farmers and emphasising soil health as a “generational legacy.”Through training in regenerative agricultural practices such as weed management and composting, we help farmers increase organic soil matter and reduce reliance on synthetic fertilisers, ensuring long-term soil fertility for future generations of coffee farmers. By decreasing the amount of fertiliser that needs to be purchased, farmers can make savings, which increases their income and allows them to reinvest in other projects, further strengthening their livelihoods. 

Our impact in Uganda

Launched in 2023, our Generations Programme in Uganda focuses on improving farmers' livelihoods by equipping them with valuable income-generating skills and providing training in business management and marketing.. These efforts empower farmers to start their own microbusinesses, fostering greater financial stability and resilience through income diversification. 

The skills training includes, among others, organic pesticide and biochar production, sandal making, liquid soap production, and poultry farming. Beyond generating additional income, the production of organic pesticides and biochar reduces reliance on synthetic fertilisers, enhances coffee yields and bean quality, and minimises the environmental impact of farming. 

This project is conducted in partnership with Ugacof (Sucafina), which provides technical support, and Sawa World, responsible for on-the-ground implementation.

Watch the videos of our farmers' impact stories.


What’s next?

Plans to continue the Generations Programme in two additional coffee origin countries are underway.

For more details on our sustainability initiatives, explore our latest Sustainability Report, packed with insights into our projects and their impact.

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