Julius Meinl

独特的组合包括各种尺寸的全豆咖啡和碎咖啡。从100%阿拉比卡咖啡中选择,无论是来自单一地区,还是混合以达到完美平衡,以及精致的阿拉比卡和罗布斯塔混合咖啡,从浅色到深色的烘焙都能让最挑剔的顾客满意。从Julius Meinl的专家处订购优质咖啡,包括特色咖啡和认证咖啡。
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Who we are
Julius Meinl brings together a diverse community, starting in coffee and tea growing regions around the world and ending in the cups served in outlets such as coffee houses, restaurants and hotels.
Tea expertise from plant to cup
Premium tea is the culmination of all sorts of elements, from sunshine and soil, to picking, rolling, blending and much more. The journey from plant to cup all affects the final product your customers enjoy.
Coffee expertise from bean the cup
Premium coffee starts with tropical sun and volcanic soil in the coffee growing regions 23°N – 25°S of the equator. After harvesting, it’s transported for blending, roasting and packing. The journey involves many delicate stages which demand experience, skill and quality control.